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Planning a meticulous inspection is better than being surprised by unforseen destruction.

A massive ship vessel was reported to be ravaged and wrecked. Owing to this, it had to be stalled by its berth for a thorough investigation. After certain amount of research and examination, it was found that the vessel’s main 6-cylinder engine was completely disrupted. Not just that, but all the 3-cylinder liners, 3 complete pistons, piston rings and even the main rod bearing had to be renewed.

But what was the mysterious reason behind the unexpected upheaval of the vessel?

Improper and unattended lubrication. It was when the differential pressure alarm in the ECR rang that the crew’s attention was quickly drawn towards this damage.

To their surprise and observation, the lubrication oil that was used in the machinery had been polluted for quite some time. Aluminum and other metallic particles were found inside the filter. Not only this, deposited metallic particles were also found in the engine’s crankcase. So, they tried to trace the source of the metallic particles. Eventually, they found that they were transported from the piston rings and skirts in the vessel.

Is lubrication inspection an important thing?

What occurred here was a premature failure of the lubricated asset. This often occurs because generally the focus is drawn to other aspects of the machinery and rarely on the quality of lubrication. However, improper lubrication is a real issue. The contaminated particles in the ship’s engine consisted of sand, dirt and dust. These microscopic particles created macro damages. This in turn caused abrasion and eventually fatigue of the functioning part.

The Good News: Lubrication Dysfunction is no Permanent Malfunction

Regular oil analysis and testing can take your vehicle/vessel/machinery a long way. A healthy oil analysis is inevitable to judge the operating levels of your machinery and of the lubricants running through it. Taking proper care of your lube system means monitoring the overall health of your entire plant.

“Maintenance of the oil is key to the Maintenance of the Machinery.”

Is what we believe at Atlas Labs. If you know ahead of time what problem may occur with your machinery, it can save your effort, time and money. Before small problems turn into big ones, an in-depth oil analysis and oil testing can save you all the trouble. By routinely analyzing the lubricants and oil in your machinery, we will help you fix problems more quickly and efficiently and prevent excess expenses.

The State-of-the-art Lubricant Testing Services at Atlas Lab will definitely gift your machinery a longer life.

  • We avoid unnecessary system changeovers
  • Instead of entirely changing the oil, it can instead be topped with fresh oil
  • Our focus is on improving productivity and performance of the equipment
  • Accurate prediction of machinery failure
  • Identifying potential problems and evaluating solutions
  • Promise of maintenance and reliability
  • A safe and cost-effective approach
  • A comprehensive research facility oil examination
  • State-of-the-art testing facility
  • Expert consultancy and analysis
  • Exact interpretation of lubricant data

The reason that we stand out amongst the rest is, owing to our ability of developing individual testing programs and the ability to retain the quality of your oil as long as its serviceable at cost-effective budgets.

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